1994 - Guys and Dolls
About the Show
Nathan Detroit, the organizer of the oldest permanent floating crap game, bets Sky Mastersonthat he can't make the next girl he sees fall in love with him- this is Miss Sarah Brown of the Save-a-Soul Mission. Meanwhile, Nathan's girl and the main attraction at the Hot Box nightclub - Miss Adelaide only wants to get married. In the end the gamblers and "spunky do-gooders" are thrown together.
Nathan Detroit - Bill Fried
Benny Southstreet - Brandon Schmidt
Nicely - Nicely - Dean Beckman
Brannigan - Don Vesterse
Sarah - Kay M. Capps Cross
Sky Masterson - Kim Kapplinger
Harry the Horse - Nathan Griffin
Adelaide - Nolie Kapplinger
Joey Biltmore - Richard Kenyon
David Nord
Linda Nerstad - Kemp
Matthew Klug
Emily Engen
Jenny Kapplinger
Mollie Busta
Angela Denstad